Monday, February 12, 2007

I Love You, Joyce.

You know who I love? Stefanie’s mom, Joyce. She heard about how I’m becoming a cougar this week and suggested that I shouldn’t settle for one teenage love-ah, I should have two 18-year old love-ahs. That Joyce is a mathematical genius.

I also love how she rocks her silver pixie cut. I always wanted a pixie cut, but I don’t have enough angles in my face. Too round.

We watched hockey yesterday and had a great time looking at the painted up fat kid on the jumbotron. He stole the show. Joyce loves hockey and knows all the rules, unlike Monica who wanted to call personal fouls and roughing the goalie. I think Monica and Peyton Manning are made for each other.

I don’t know about you, but I am sick of winter. Everyone should spend the entire month of February in St. Bart’s. I fully intend to move to the Caribbean the day after Christmas next year and not come back until St. Patrick’s Day. The only flaw in that plan is my determination to stay out of the sun so I don’t get wrinkles. I would totally wear SPF infinity if I could find it.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Idiot Savant Or Just Idiot? You Be The Judge.


I am either a genius or a total moron. It took me an hour and a half last night to do 22 math problems. I was either so meticulously detailed in my work that I will score a record-breaking 347% on the test, or I am unworthy of even remedial math and scored a record-breaking -12%.

Thank God the test wasn’t timed. The pressure would have totally freaked me out if I was watching the clock. I needed six sheets of scratch paper. Shut up. I have giant handwriting. I wear glasses. I have to write big enough to see it. I am so nearsighted I can’t see anything past about six inches from my face without my glasses. Like if I take my glasses off right now, I can’t read what’s on the computer screen. So six sheets of extra paper are totally reasonable and in no way imply I had to do the problems more than once.

Except I did. I had to do one of them more than once because I checked the answer and it was totally jacked up. I got a normal answer the second time. I don’t know where that fraction came from the first time. Who divides things into fourteenths? I do, that’s who. It’s one of my most fascinating qualities.

Speaking of fascinating qualities, a week from Sunday, I’m becoming a cougar. That’s right, folks, lock up your 18-year old boys because I’m turning 36 and I can finally start dating man-children half my age.

|ReadBecca| = Fabulous
|-ReadBecca| = Fabulous