Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Ok, so you know how I haven't had a job since October? I haven't been out of bed before 9 am in like four months, right? Alright, 11. So you're going to have to help a brother out, man. I have been out of bed, cogitating cohesively at 5:45 am two mornings in a row. Is it always that fucking dark that fucking early?

I hit the snooze bar only once each morning, but I was up before it went off again both times. I was up to turn off the second alarm, but under standard parameters I would have done this with my eyes closed and gone back to bed without ever really having been officially awake. So on your average Monday morning when I had a job, I'd roll in around 9:45. It was advertising. No one's there before 10. Anyway, not only was I there FIRST on Monday, I was HALF AN HOUR EARLY. Insert the comic book noise of your choice.

And then today, WHAT UP with the Stephen King fog bank? I was expecting to meet Jack the Ripper taking the hound of the Baskervilles for a walk. Seriously, that kind of fog comes with fucking werewolves. That's grab-your-crucifix fog, man.

I've been watching PowerPoint and corporate training videos for two days. But tomorrow, I go learn stuff for real. This. Will. Be. Interesting.

Also, the Greenville St. Patrick's day block party is in four days. Woo, and might I add, hoo!

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