Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summer Summer Summer It's Like A Merry-Go-Round

Some knucklehead DJ on the radio this morning suggested we move the summer solstice to Friday.

I declare that the sun no longer is our anchorman in the solar system. I declare that it is Uranus, the planet that rules the sign of Aquarius. By this arbitrary whim I render the centuries-long study of the sky completely useless and render Stonehenge and Chaco Canyon null and void. All this I decree by my omnipotent hand! Bow before me, you groveling nothings!


What's new? What's new? Ah, yes. The parking lot attendant of the lot I park in everyday for school is the nicest person I have ever met. He is always cheerful and wants to know how my class is going. I swear if I let him, he's put my grades on his fridge. He always says "How you doing my friend?" I miss him on Fridays, but I'm glad he goes home early. I like the idea of him knocking off early for the weekend from hanging out in that tiny booth all day.

There's a guy in my class called Big Sam and I always think of "Gone With the Wind" when I hear that. Big Sam saved Scarlett from some ruffians when she was out making business calls in her carriage all alone, which caused her second husband that she stole from her sister to go after them and he died, and Ashley got shot, and Rhett saved them all from jail by telling the Yankees that they were all at Belle Watling's cat house.

It's time to watch GWTW again I think. I still cry at the end when Scarlett is so delusional and thinks she'll get Rhett back. Fat chance.

Which reminds me, I saw "The Break Up" with Stefanie and we interpreted the ending in polar opposite ways. She says they get back together and I say they have nothing left to talk about and will never see each other ever again and that meeting on the street was closure. What do you say? Are Brooke and Gary meant to be?

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