Friday, February 09, 2007

Idiot Savant Or Just Idiot? You Be The Judge.


I am either a genius or a total moron. It took me an hour and a half last night to do 22 math problems. I was either so meticulously detailed in my work that I will score a record-breaking 347% on the test, or I am unworthy of even remedial math and scored a record-breaking -12%.

Thank God the test wasn’t timed. The pressure would have totally freaked me out if I was watching the clock. I needed six sheets of scratch paper. Shut up. I have giant handwriting. I wear glasses. I have to write big enough to see it. I am so nearsighted I can’t see anything past about six inches from my face without my glasses. Like if I take my glasses off right now, I can’t read what’s on the computer screen. So six sheets of extra paper are totally reasonable and in no way imply I had to do the problems more than once.

Except I did. I had to do one of them more than once because I checked the answer and it was totally jacked up. I got a normal answer the second time. I don’t know where that fraction came from the first time. Who divides things into fourteenths? I do, that’s who. It’s one of my most fascinating qualities.

Speaking of fascinating qualities, a week from Sunday, I’m becoming a cougar. That’s right, folks, lock up your 18-year old boys because I’m turning 36 and I can finally start dating man-children half my age.

|ReadBecca| = Fabulous
|-ReadBecca| = Fabulous

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