Friday, June 08, 2007

I Love You, The Ghost Whisperer.

Oh God help me today I drank a Pepsi.

I have a list of shows to watch on DVD this summer. Heroes. Studio 60. The Sopranos even though the last time I did that, they totally freaked my shit out.

Ow! My hippocampus!

The hippocampus is part of the brain but I can't picture anything but hippos in t-shirts and carrying backpacks and walking around all hungover.

Hmm. These TV lawyers are dumb. I could totally be Ironsides if I were a TV lawyer. Note to self: don't watch TV and ReadBecca simultaneously. Unsucessful posts are the result. Resluts. Ha. That never gets old.

Contrary to popular belief, tortelloni contains no tortoises of any kind whatsoever.

I'm still in love with Lloyd Dobbler. And his Malibu. And his matchbook. And hanging out at the Gas n' Sip.

Why is it always Munchausen's Syndrome by proxy? Jebus, why don't they throw in an evil twin? Or babies switched at birth? Whatever. Again, note to self: no blogging with the TV on in future. Duly noted.

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