Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Am The Queen Of Being Employed, Finally.

Get ready for ReadBecca to feature lots more blood and gore. I got a job in a hospital. On the Labor and Delivery ward. Soon, I am going to see EXACTLY where babies come from. I bet I never forget to take the pill again.

Also, I have been slightly hungover all day, mainly because after T. Foreigner, Esq., bought me a cheeseburger, I had like 17 beers for dinner. I'm kidding. I only had 10 beers maybe. I'm still kidding. It couldn't have been more than seven. I don't know how much I drank, OK? Stop nagging me!

In any case, I have a job and I have to cut back on school night extracurricular activites. And prepare for many, many more odes to the joys of coffee, because I will have to get up at five with this new job thing. Five IN THE MORNING. I know. It's going to be awesome. I'm willing to get up early if it means I might meet a med student.

I can't wait to name someone McDumbAss.

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