Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Creepiest. Dream. Ever.

Last night I dreamed I was John Leguizamo's hooker.

Only I didn't know he thought I was hooker until he tried to pay me. I didn't take the money, but I thought about it. I didn't take it because I thought he might be a cop. Dream DisRespecca has street cred. I think he's going to get killed off ER. Which is fine. They've had too many totally messed up doctor story lines.

First Doug has to bring in that girl whose name he didn't know who died because she had epilepsy and was doing coke in Doug's bathroom and her sister came to claim the body and didn't know Doug was the lowlife guy she spent her last night with and he felt guilty. And then Carter gets stabbed and abuses prescription drugs. And Luka nails a patient's mom in the supply closet and then has to tell her her kid has cancer. And now we have JLeg who does drugs on the weekends when he isn't on call and gets shot by the psycho husband of the psycho woman who followed him from Jersey and who is now stalking him and apparently JLeg doesn't know the number for 911.

No more crazy doctors.

I forgot that time when Dr. Green stopped the elevator and pretended to shock that guy but only held the paddles up in the air and just watched him die. Like I said, no more crazy doctors. Let's get a nice one who gives out lollipops.

Tuesday's Bonus Aside:

I got a copy of my transcript from my wayward then reformed college days. Man, I had shitty grades the first time around. Why my parents didn't make me come home after I got a 1.6 GPA, I will never know. I do remember when my dad put my grades on the fridge when I got my first 4.0 though. He's a good dad. I would never have made it out alive at all if he hadn't put his own life on hold to take care of me. He still has a button I gave him a billion years ago that says "Ask not what your Dad can do for you, but what you can do for your Dad." It's on his fridge in Vegas.

DisRespecca is the biggest Daddy's girl that ever lived. I think I'll give him a call.

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