Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Nuts To That! I'm Going To The Movies.

Unlike Blogda, I can't quote The Simpsons at will, but today's title is one of the few Homerisms I know, and I think about it every time I want to see a movie.

My freelance gig is on hiatus until Thursday since everyone who works there is in Canada. So I got a free afternoon. And what am I going to do with it? Study? You have got to be kidding me.

I'm having Hot Pockets for lunch then I'm off to see Da Vinci. Or Flight 93. I can't decide. Probably the Vinch. Flight 93 is an in the privacy of your own home film, like The Passion of the Christ, which I deliberately waited for on video because I didn't want to sit in the theater with other people's opinions. ReadBecca knows her limitations.

ReadBecca might finally assemble her Ikea book case after the movie. She doesn't know why she has taken to writing about herself in the third person. Maybe it's because she talks about DisRespecca, the evil twin who likes drinking and sailors, like that. So if ReadBecca, DisRespecca and the Omniscient Narrator who keeps track of them both and writes about it are separate entities, then who the hell am I? Can Just Rebecca exist in a vacuum? Jesus, I have got to drop psychology.

Note of regard to Whitney:

Nobody walks in LA.

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