Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dang, Hollywood Stars, Stop Dying!

Remember how heartbroken we were when River Phoenix checked out way too early in the most squalid, stupid, meaningless public display on a sidewalk ever? Talented doesn't have to equal crazy, people. You can make awesome movies without being miserable. You don't have to be insane to be great. Yeah, a lot of the great ones were nuts, but the times they are a-changing and wouldn't it have been awesome if Van Gogh had been in a support group and kept painting? I mean, have you SEEN his work? I was never a big fan of the Van Gogh. Until I saw his self-portrait in the Musee d'Orsay in Paris and instantly got it. If you have the ability to make such stunning acts of beauty that they can literally, in an immeasurably quick flash of instantaneous connection, change the mind of someone else a hundred years later, then you owe it to the Universe who gave you that gift to protect it and not wastefully die long before you've used every drop of creativity you were blessed with. Of course I have no idea what happened to Heath Ledger, and it wouldn't be any less horrible if some unexpected but natural cause killed him. We're all cheated just the same.

In short, knock it off, talented artist-types. I don't want to see a single tragically lost artist soul ever again. Get your asses into therapy, stat.

I don't have any shame about my Mondays, btw. Conflicted maybe, but not shamed, fyi. Thought I should clarify, if only for my own ends. I feel better having said it. Ok, I'm done. I'm going to look for a job while I wait for my baked potato.

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