Friday, June 23, 2006

Don't Freeze Up Girl

You know who I miss? Adam Ant.

I know he went bald and crazy but damn he made gay piracy look good. I've always had a thing for boys in eyeliner. Oh Simon Le Bon, you lined-eye god, you have ruined me for all other men. One of the funnest times of my life was going to see Duran Duran last year for my birthday with the girls. It's fun to scream like a teen-aged girl.

I also thought Spike was hotter than Angel.

I'm sad that I missed the cocaine and champagne frenzy of the rock star/model days of the eighties. I bet I would have had fun right up until I died in my London hotel suite. I had to make do with Miller Genuine Draft and hanging out at Swantner Park. I never even got an MIP. It was hard to be bad in Corpus Christi. They made Susanna Somebody take out her nose ring at Hamlin Junior High. It was a pearl stud. It's hard to bad when you're a debutante.

They did however film one of the greatest movies of all time in Corpus in the eighties - "The Legend of Billie Jean." I like to watch it and point out all the stuff that's fake. Christian Slater and Helen Slater were in it and so was the voice of Lisa Simpson whose name I can never remember although I know exactly who she is.

The house with the slide was real; the miniature golf course was fake. They built it under the JFK Causeway bridge where Snoopy's is. (Three drink maximum. Don't feed the seagulls.)

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