Thursday, June 15, 2006

Matt Has Not Seen A Yeti.

Matt the Miller Man is away in the mountains, but in his weekly check-in call, he mentioned no yeti sightings. I say, what's the point in going to the wilderness and being out of cell phone range for a week if there are no yetis to report? Matt's cat, the infamous Peggy Sue, is fine. I have not damaged anything in Matt's house either. I broke his dining room ceiling fan once when I was house sitting, so breaking more stuff is not an option.

Matt says I ought to know the anatomy part of Anatomy and Physiology pretty well. Bwah ha har! So far, it's going swimmingly. A's on the first test and lab quiz. We shall see. I am going to miss the discussion of "Reading Lolita in Tehran" at book club and I'm sad. I liked that book, and this month's gathering is very near my place, at Heather's new house that I haven't seen yet. Dang.

You remember last summer when I broke my foot and was in a cast for two months? Yeah, me too. Good times.

You know what the longest song ever is? The ones that don't rock when you want to hear a song that rocks. And hitting scan instead of the presets is dangerous because you are for sure going to hear snippets of country and death metal, which are equally heinous in my book. I go through this every morning. I love you, Mesquite Schools Radio, but the sweet sounds of the seventies sometimes ain't what I'm about.

So I flip through the presets and hear the end of The Killers, which I thought was Franz Ferdinand but who can tell and as far as I know neither band is from Serbia, and the end of a Shakira song (my hips don't lie either), and part of "Rocket Man" and the beginning of a Van Halen number that wasn't "Running with the Devil," and ELO I think. I could not find a Thursday anthem and yeah, I have a CD player but I like to be musically surprised like that time last summer when I was totally rocking out to "Rhinestone Cowboy" and then a car hit me at the intersection of Skillman and Southwestern on the afternoon of the night I fell down and broke my foot at the rehearsal dinner of the wedding I was officiating the next day at the arboretum.

Glen Campbell gave me PTSD.

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