Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Boo, Motherfucker.

So I am once again unemployed. Yesterday, I didn't know whether or not to go to the new job, which is now the new old job as opposed to the old old job and the old new job. Damn, I'm dizzy. So I went and all hell broke loose and shit went down and things happened beyond my control. I didn't do anything wrong, in case you doubted me for even a second, and if you did, we're breaking up.

Anyway, now I can tell you the best part ever, since I don't work there anymore. I was working for the Boy Scouts. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHoooooooooohaaaarhgtaah...[cough]. That's it.

Now I'm going to become a recreational alcoholic.

I swear this time I'm going to drink during the day at least once, since I didn't the last time I didn't have a job. I've already picked the day and a potential accomplice, who doesn't work Mondays. Otherwise, I'll try to be more productive than I was last time. Note to self: 11 am is not an early time to wake up. NO staying up to watch Craig Ferguson, even if he is a foreigner.

That's all I got. I had too many IM conversations going on at the same time and now I can't concentrate on only one thing. blah I'm out.

One more thing, I saw an Army guy in fatigues drinking a Frappuccino and I busted out laughing. Is that as funny as I think, or am I just nuts?

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