Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So Long, Suckers!

Today was Day Two of my new job. I'm still freelancing for the same outfit but they got me out of the hell hole job and into a new one. These are the things I've encountered in two days that sound like porn, but aren't:

Water sports
Stroking from a T-position

It's good to have new stimuli.

This new gig looks promising, but it's still early days. I have my own cube, but the coffee sucks even worse than the old office coffee. I figure no office has good coffee, so I won't count off for that. At least I won't have to charge my groceries to a credit card anymore.

I don't think I'll have an Ashley in this new joint. I'll save my heart of darkness for you folks. Ashley says she already misses me going to the dark place. For instance, during my last week, someone was taping up some boxes or something to mail, and they were making a lot of tape-gun racket in the hallway. Ashley says, "It reminds me of Christmas!"

And I said, "It sounds like a kidnapping."
Love and sunshiney kisses from your...

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