Thursday, October 18, 2007

Success! SUCCESS!

One of my favorite movies is Dangerous Liasons. I like it when Vicomte Whatshisface (J. Malkovich) runs up the stairs after he's finally bedded either Uma Thurman or Michelle Pfeiffer, I forget which, shouting "Success!" I would like to wear satin knee breeches and run up an 18th century staircase yelling "Success!" before I die.


I have successfully completed 28 algebra test questions with a passing percentage of 95.7 at the Dubliner, and I had nary a drop of booze in the nearly three hours I was there. First, no making fun of me for taking that long to do only 28 questions, and B.) I was IMing someone at the same time. Also, BRAVA to me for going to the Dubliner for the first time in more than eight years without drinking. It's a miracle.

Normally, a 95.7 would be a little low for my liking, but I'm trying not to be such a perfectionist with my grades and accept A's that happen to be less than 98%. I like 98%. It's fun to write. Also, it's really good to be better than 98 people, but not as good as two other people. It gives me a sense of superiority and humbles me, all in one. A nice balance, leaning slightly toward I Am Better Than You.

I am enjoying finding wifi hot spots. Chik-Fil-A invites you to stay as long as you like, so I will. Except I'm not at Chik-Fil-A. I'm next door. I have found an outlet at the combo Pizza Hut/Taco Bell (I had pizza, but now I wish I went somewhere for a salad.), and even though I'm using battery power, I am comforted by the presence of an outlet, should the need arise.

Everywhere I go, I look for outlets now. I couldn't find any yesterday, and I was disappointed. I'm sure there's a gadget that would allow me to have unlimited power or solar power or hand-cranked by a small third-world child power, but I think I got enough technology to be going on with.

A lot of old people work where I work. I don't mean just people older than me, I mean actual old people, like who could be retired somewhere or something. It's weird seeing grandparents all over the place. I always hold open the elevator.

I made a deal with the office cafeteria cashier. They use freakin' STYROFOAM cups, and I can't be using that shit, Al Gore would plotz. So we figured out that my new mug from Target holds a little more than a small, but not as much as a medium, and he's charging me I think 70 cents a cup. What a deal! I think I'll pay him on Mondays in advance and drink coffee all week without having to swipe my ATM card every time. They have a minimum purchase and I can't be going around with all these extraneous granola bars. People will talk.

I'm going out tomorrow for Stef's bday so I promise to do something stupid so I can exaggerate the experience for you after. Kidding. Every word I write here is 100% certified truish.

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