Monday, January 09, 2006

Coca-Cola: My Arch Nemesis

One week down with nary a soda. Except for dinner Saturday. I rewarded myself for doing a good job. My thoughts on the first sip after a sipless week?

"Gah, this shit is too sweet."

I resisted the siren call of the free refill. I had three glasses of champagne instead. (Thanks for the headache, STEFANIE.)
So the gradual, no ridiculous, instantaneous, crazy plan to overhaul my fitness level approach is working. How do I know?

One week without fast food and Coke + A barely perceptible increase in physical activity = 5 vanished pounds.

I know! 5! It's nuts! I'll be Nicole Richie in like a month at that pace! My dad will be on TV telling people I don't eat! Wow!

I am so going to have sex this year. (Now THAT is a New Year's Resolution.)

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