Sunday, March 12, 2006

OK, So Apparently My Love Knows Some Bounds.

I set my alarm so I'd have plenty of time for pancakes before the debauchery of Greenville Avenue. And I thought "Eh." So I didn't go. I just didn't feel like it. I didn't feel like just going and making friends with strangers and hoping I ran into someone I knew. I mean, it's really hard to find your friends in a crowd of 15,000 (according to Channel 11). So I bailed. For the first time since I moved to Dallas. I even went last year after Jacquie's baby shower when we had booze in the glove compartment. It's the end of an era I suppose.

But there's a chance to make up for it. The REAL St. Patty's is Friday. And I don't have a job. I think I'll be at Idle Rich about 3 pm. Maybe earlier. Y'all call me and let me know if you would like to meet me. Jason, this means you.

I still wore my green shoes yesterday.

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