Friday, March 24, 2006

Where The Eff Is ReadBecca?

Right here, kids. Regular posting is difficult these days, especially because every time I get a chance, the library computers are so sloooooooooow, I get frustrated and give up. I hate waiting.

Anyway, I survived St. Patty's in good shape. I spent seven and a half hours at The Idle Rich Pub. Thanks to the Wall Street Journal, I had free fish and chips, four beers and two girly Lemon Drop shots. Then I had three more beers served by a cute bartender who I ended up breaking up with as I was leaving. He was funny. I like boys who play along.

I do not like girls who I barely know telling me I'm going to be a cat lady. Some girl who hangs out with Matt the Miller Man decided she was the person who needed to intervene in my lonely, worthless life. I quote, "Your friends are worried about you." Like my guy friends sit around and talk about how worried they are about me. And she doesn't know the book club girls, who are actually my friends. And then she said something about sweat pants and Gray's Anatomy. If everyone who watches that show in their comfy Sunday clothes went out and bought a cat, the nation would be experiencing a run on tabbies.

Um, here's a tip. If I have never, ever called you and you have never, ever called me and we have never, ever hung out without Matt being around, and your number has never, ever been in my cell phone, and you have never, ever seen me naked, we are not friends.

I barely know this woman, and I wouldn't choose to know her if I had the choice. She's a friend of a friend, and I don't like her very much anyway. So to have a person on the fringes of my life decide to judge me, well I wanted to punch her in the face. Since violence is never the answer, I just got another beer.

They had an excellent band called The Kildares. The are a rock Celtic band. Very danceable and sort of punk too. I enjoyed them immensely. Then I got hungry and went home.

Other than that, I'm in a calcium focus group for $50 thanks to WritingGal, and I have JURY DUTY on April 3, which I cannot wait to report on. If I'm on the jury, I am sure to have stories of interest. People at jury duty are weird.

I still don't have a job.

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