Since DisRespecca is off cleansing her frontal lobe, I have hijacked ReadBecca (with her permission, of course). If I can't be served a daily dish of RANT, perhaps i can find some sustenance in serving it. Strangely, and perhaps regrettably, she made no conditions; she only claimed no responsibility for "anything offensive, repulsive or stupid" i might say. How silly of her, she left out imbecilic, asinine, balmy, and cockeyed. Yeah... balmy.
Let's begin with a disclaimer:
I have a casual disregard four spelling.
My brain just doesn't care. I am just as likely to write, "their was a time" as "there going to the airport". And phrases like, "disregard four spelling" will never be caught by a spell checker. Which is a perfect topic for segue.
I'm really annoyed with Microsoft's spell checkers. The heuristics they designed to make suggestions are pathetic at best. For instance, if I were to misspell the word "appendicks", MS would suggest "appendix"; but if I typed "appendics" (no k) it fails to come up with the correct suggestion. Better yet, try a really common mistake, accidentally using the adjacent key. "aooendix" causes the the spell checker to offer nothing as an alternative. Google on the other hand, is much better at stuff like this. If you search for "aooendix" the first thing it replies is "Did you mean: appendix". I love you Google.
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